
Beautifully Blends In To Truly Stand Out

Whether you are looking to replace a single appliance or remodeling your entire kitchen, GE’s Slate appliances are designed to blend with other stainless steel, black or white appliances, or make a statement by themselves.

Slate not only offers an option that’s elegant and modern, it also maintains its great appearance. The dark matte finish naturally hides fingerprints, smudges and dirt. It’s also a breeze to clean using a clean cloth and a mild household detergent.

Pair a Slate finish with virtually anything. From sleek granites and composites to organic glass and wood, Slate perfectly harmonizes with today’s materials and colors. With such a broad palette of complementary finishes, Slate can appeal to every taste.

Shop GE Slate Appliances at TA Appliance & Barbecues

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