LG believes in innovative technologies because the passion to create new and convenient experiences for you and your family is LG’s commitment. Whether it’s getting more storage capacity, more storing solutions, or beautifully designed refrigerators, no wonder LG is the number one selling refrigerator brand in Canada*, fitted for your lifestyle.

LG’s LFD22786ST and LFC2270ST French door refrigerators are conveniently designed to fit a 30 inch wide space. That’s great, considering that these lovely fridges will fit in most kitchens. They also come in two colour options to match with the rest of your stainless steel or smooth white appliances.


The Largest Capacity Refrigerator in a 30” space, now with Linear Compressor technology

You can enjoy your styling French door fridge in a compact design. The 30 inch width of these fridges can fit into smaller spaces, but don’t worry; it does not compromise on style or features with the Slimfit depth of 29.

More Savings also offered

With LG’s new 30 inch fridges, you get their exclusive linear compressor designed to keep temperatures consistent. With this innovative technology, your food will be kept fresh, longer. Other benefits to this exclusive technology include consistent temperatures to help you save more on your energy bill. In fact, Linear compressor is 23% more energy efficient than a conventional compressor.

A Quiet Appliance in your kitchen

You will also get the comfort of having a quiet fridge in your kitchen. Here’s some background information on why LG’s LFD22786ST and LFC2270ST fridges are quieter than most others. The conventional compressors maintain much higher, disrupting noise levels throughout a cooling cycle with decibel levels peaking at both the beginning and end of a cycle. With LG’s exclusive soft start regulatory system; you can enjoy a quieter all-around performance.

*According to Traqline Marketshare data as of January 1, 2013.

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AppliancesCool productsFridgeInnovationLgLife's goodLinear compressorQuiet appliancesRefrigeratorTa applianceTechnology